Landscapes & Cityscapes
The autumn. I love autumn, it's an amazing period, it’s like happy and sad at the same time. It's as if your soul enjoys the richness of colours, the flowing gold of the leaves and cries together with the rain, longing for the warm days. The clear sky, so full of blue, that it takes your breath away, suddenly is covered with black, leaden clouds and it seems as if your heart stops beating.
Sometimes you can see the air, the autumn air, as if it’s a transparent substance, as if you can touch it with your hand. When I walk among the alleys of the park or a forest in the fall, I have this feeling. The air flows, resonates, vibrates, the light breaks into invisible facets and is reflected on the leaves, on spider webs and suddenly pours over into a rainbow on the ground. Mystery of the autumn, its enigma and beauty…
Autumn's Positive Energy80 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2022 | Travelling through the Golden Pages of Autumn80 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2022 | Manifesto of Metaphysical Elegance. SOLD.95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2022 | Between Summer and Autumn95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2022 | Space InBetween81 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Joint Rendevouz. SOLD.81 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 |
Urban Allure92 x 73 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Universal Echo in the Dark. SOLD.73 x 92 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Ephemeral Element. SOLD.65 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Evolving Volume of Light95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Veil of the Moon95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | Shimmering Poetry. SOLD.65 x 81 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 |
Energy of the Golden Eye73 x 93 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Cherry Lips. SOLD.95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | The Shape of Autumn. SOLD.95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 | Symphony of the woods. SOLD.75 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | Autumn’s Farewell Waltz. SOLD.75 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | The weather that we're taking with us. SOLD.95 x 95 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 |
Walking from Tomorrow into Yesterday. SOLD.75 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | Autumnal Spontaneity. SOLD.75 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2020 | Distance of transformation. SOLD.89 x 116 cm, oil on canvas, palette knife, 2021 |